CEMAS joined the project for “Regional invitation to tenders for Innovation”
Project objectives
CEMAS as leader, with the partners Microla, Teklool and the support of Politecnico di Torino, joined the Regional invitation to tenders "Supports for industrial research and experimental development projects for Companies associated with Innovation Poles". The prototype project is currently in the CEMAS' headquarter.
The objective of the project, successfully achieved, was to create a single platform capable of integrating multiple operations: additive manufacturing processes (so-called "3D printing"), subtractive processes (ablation and "laser cutting") and complementary technologies (laser welding).
CEMAS Elettra has been involved in this project in relation to the last phase (subtractive processes): indeed CEMAS is considered an excellence reality in the thermoplastic welding industry, given its technological know-how in laser welding.
Appling this new technology, it will be possible to develop nano-mechanical structures to be used as sensors or actuators in micro systems. It will be possible to considerably reduce the size of the objects, but faithfully preserving their functionality.
The proposed technology can therefore be considered an evolution of 3D printing and certainly it will allow the development of objects/products suitable for different scientific and technical fields, such as: (bio) medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, avionics and aerospace industry, integrated electronics and packaging, precision mechanics, defense etc.
This project allowed CEMAS to face the market of additive manufacturing systems for the first time with a brand-new product that constitutes an exceptional upgrade in the high-tech market. Considering the production volumes, the growth rates of the market in the next years represent an attractive target. There are wide margins of penetration and incidence for the players that are able to propose innovative solutions.